Mark Pumphrey, long-serving VTG Rail UK Asset Manager, retires

After 15 years of incredible service at VTG, Mark Pumphrey announces retirement

  • Congratulations and all good wishes to our colleague Mark Pumphrey who has retired from his role as our Asset Manager.
  • Mark has spent 30 years working in the rail industry with the last 15 years spent with us here at VTG Rail UK.
  • He said: “When I joined the company the fleet was in the region of 1,800 wagons and since then the number of our wagons has risen to 4,500. That’s a great achievement by all the people I have worked with here over the years.”
  • Reflecting on his time with the company Mark said: “VTG Rail UK is a great and happy place to work. Every day has been a highlight for me, we have a fantastic team. The main memories that will stand out will always be the people that I have worked with and met along the way, and I thank them all for their support and friendship. On the social side I used to I have loved running the VTG Christmas quiz.”
  • He added: “I’m also very proud that, as a company, we have been able to support the Acorn Children’s Hospice which supports children and families across the West Midlands, including those who have been bereaved.”
  • Mark’s wife, Sophie, has retired at the same time and the couple have lots of exciting plans for the rest of the year such as travelling in the UK and abroad, including a cruise in the summer.
  • Our Interim Managing Director, Marc Hurn, said: “On behalf of VTG Rail UK I’d like to thank Mark for his excellent service over the last 15 years. We wish Mark and Sophie a long and happy retirement.”